Lightning over Sankaty Head Lighthouse
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Saturday, July 02, 2016
By Bill Hoenk Photography
It was very hard to be patient last night at work while staring out the window at the light show that I was missing out on. I was literally willing with all of my might for the last guests to finally leave- so I could break down, clock out, and race to somewhere on this rock that would give me a good foreground to try and capture the last of the lightning as the storm rolled away. I got my wish and managed to make it to Sconset to try and get some shots of Sankaty Head Lighthouse being lit up by the storm.
It was a tough decision driving all the way out to the end of the island from town to photograph the lightning. The storm was fading fast and I didn't really know how much time I had before the show would be over. Jetties Beach, and Monomoy Beach were my first thoughts due to the close vicinity, but with the incessant rain and lack of protection for my gear, I knew I would have to stay in the car and shoot from the passenger window to keep my camera and lenses dry. With that in mind, I decided the best composition I could get without leaving the car would be from the side of the road looking over Sankaty Head Golf Course toward Sankaty Light.
I spent the next three hours shooting through my open car window in the pouring rain, with my gear set up on the passenger seat, and was rewarded with a few cool shots!