Instantly all those those thoughts and mixed emotions were gone. $10,000 per person for a photo-op with Donald Trump?! $10,000 per person?! All that was left in my head were visions of $10,000 bills flying from the end of my lens into Donald Trump’s campaign piggy bank with every click of my shutter. That settled it. There was no way I was going to do this. There was no way I was going to contribute in anyway to this man’s campaign, even if indirectly. Final answer.
If you are reading this, you know by now that I am definitely not a Trump supporter. In the hours before the protest happened yesterday, I was at a coffee shop down town having a meeting with Gene Mahon of the famed Nantucket Mahon About Town blog and newsletter. We were discussing writing assignments, and the topic of ethics in journalism came up during the course of our conversation, and the consequence of writers and journalists including their personal opinions while reporting on news events in today’s political climate, especially in a microcosm like Nantucket. We both agreed that it is a very delicate balance here.
There is a very good chance that I might alienate potential clients here by weaving my personal opinions and views into my coverage of a political event like this, but I don’t care. I do think it is important for reporters, journalists and photographers to try and be as objective as possible when documenting news worthy events, but we have a voice too, and as journalists and reporters tend to be on the front line most of the time, witnesses to more than the average person ever is, I believe those opinions have merit and should be heard, regardless of where they stand on the issues. The way I look at it, in this case, with this election, with Trump, if someone chooses not to do business with me based solely on my political beliefs, then we both win. No amount of money is worth compromising my morals and values to do business with someone who can justify being a Trump supporter. It was also comforting to see colleagues who feel the same way. My proudest moment of the day was seeing the chief photographer of N Magazine, forgoing getting the ‘decisive shot’ of the Trump motorcade pulling in, to instead use his camera to help prop up his Trump Trash Can mere feet away from Trump’s SUV as it raced by. Kudos to you, brother!
I am so happy I ended up seeing that flyer. It afforded me the opportunity to be among like minded individuals and photograph them exercising their right to protest and have their voices be heard loud and clear in our little community, instead of maybe being stuck in a room with Trump and his most ardent supporters for a few hours.
Many thanks to my friend Ema Johnson, who along with Ian Bremmer (American political scientist and editor-at-large at Time), helped organize this great protest. Many thanks also to each and every man woman and child who showed up to support the idea of love and peace over hate and fear.